Penal redress requires full compensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender. 刑事救济中所规定的对受害人进行的充分赔偿同时也是作为对行为人的处罚。
Where persons are subject to solidary liability, the victim may claim full compensation from any one or more of them, provided that the victim may not recover more than the full amount of the damage suffered by him. 当数人承担连带责任时,只要赔偿总额不超过受害人所遭受损害,受害人可向其中任何一人或多人请求全部赔偿。
The Full Compensation Condition for the Design of Orthogonal Winding in Special Function Resolver 特种函数旋转变压器正交绕组设计用全补偿条件
She and Dan were still dewy-eyed enough to think that they would get full compensation. 她和丹仍然非常天真,以为他们可以得到全额的补偿。
Full compensation, overcompensation and undercompensation of employing the nonlinear dispersion compensation technology of standard single mode fiber following dispersion compensation fiber are numerically analogized. 对非线性前色散补偿系统中的完全补偿、过补偿和欠补偿进行了数值模拟。
The machine can be operated in sub-synchronous, super-synchronous speeds, minimum rotor current and full compensation when adjusting the speed and reactive power independently. 控制系统可以单独控制电机的转速和无功功率,使其工作在超同步、亚同步、转子电流量最小和全补偿工作方式下。
However, in practical operations, it is difficult for victims to get their compensation or full compensation. 但在实际操作中,被害人往往不易得到赔偿或不能得到全额赔偿。
Theory of full compensation of external perturbation for the time-varying parameter linear systems 变参数线性自动控制系统的外干扰完全补偿理论
Regulations belong to Administrative Law and follow the principle of limited compensation, contrary to 《 the General Principles of Civil Law 》 which following the principle of full compensation. 《条例》是行政法规定,其适用限额赔偿原则,而《民法通则》则是全额赔偿原则。
In theory, the standards of administrative compensation are summed up as the theory of full compensation and the theory of appropriate compensation. 从学说上看,行政补偿的标准可以概括为两种,即完全补偿说和适当补偿说。
Ultrasonic wave motor analysis of as machines with full compensation 超声波电动机异步化同步电机在全补偿条件下的分析
The method of digital compensation is able to make a full compensation and only requires a common power source of A/ D converter. 特别是数字式补偿法,不仅能够达到全补偿,还可以用一个普通电源代替高稳定度的供桥电源和A/D转换器参考电源。
As for the serious oil pollution damage, the problem that how to guarantee full compensation for victim and ensure the steady development of shipping industry is paid more and more attention. 由于油轮泄漏事件所带来的损失巨大,如何既保证受害人获得及时、充分的赔偿又保障航运业稳定发展的问题越来越受到国际社会的关注。
It is necessary to avoid the full compensation mode of reactors. 指出应该避开电抗器的全补偿运行方式。
In China, we often adopt principle of full compensation in damages of breach of the contract, the rule of reasonable foresight is one of the important limitation rules in the principle of full compensation. 我国《合同法》对违约损害赔偿采完全赔偿原则,合理预见规则是完全赔偿原则的重要限制规则之一。
For non-public welfare land acquisition, land compensation and resettlement criteria should be ascertained by negotiation between individual farmers or collective and land use units based on the market price and full compensation for the principle. 对于非公益性征地,以市场价格为基础,以完全补偿为原则,引入谈判机制,由用地单位与农民个体(集体)自行谈判确定补偿和安置标准。
The resulting controller consists of two loops. The inner loop is the full compensation for robot manipulators nonlinear dynamics and the outer loop is the composite nonlinear feedback for stabilization and performance enhancement. 控制器由两个环组成,内环补偿机器人非线性动力学,外环由组合非线性反馈实现镇定并强化控制性能。
Breach of contract law in accordance with the general principles of relief, victims are entitled to full compensation if the contract so that it can be in the proper discharge of their status. 依合同法中违约救济的一般原则,受害人有权得到充分赔偿使其处于如果合同得以适当履行时所处的状态。
Land requisition compensation for lost land can not be achieved even if the loss of "full compensation", it should at least guarantee the timely payment of full replacement cost of assets of the original farmers. 征地补偿费即便不能做到对失地损失的全额赔偿,至少应保证及时足额支付置换农民原有资产的费用。
Which criterion should be applied in the railway transportation accidents, the full compensation or limited compensation? What is the scope of compensation? Does limited compensation have its applicable principles? 究竟在铁路高度危险侵权责任赔偿中,适用全面赔偿还是限额赔偿,赔偿的范围是哪些?限额赔偿制度是否也该有其适用规则?本章分别对这些问题进行了分析。
Indeed gains offset the losses and the fault is entirely offset compensation exception to the rule; but in the specific rules of judicial practice, even more than two full compensation for the use of more extensive rules. 诚然损益相抵和过失相抵是完全赔偿规则的例外;但在具体司法实践中这两种规则甚至比完全赔偿规则运用的更为广泛。
In terms of rent theory, property rights theory, theory of market supply and demand point of view, or from the national practice, farmers should share the land value-added interests of the land-levying and get full compensation. 无论从地租理论、产权理论、市场供求理论来看,还是从各国实践来看,农民均应分享征地增值利益,获得足额补偿。
And I think that as a result of such way, the damage of the privacy interests of the victims and the mental suffering is enormous and can not recover by itself, so the comfort should be based on the principle of full compensation for the victims. 认为由于人肉搜索这种方式,给受害人带来的隐私利益的损害以及精神痛苦是巨大并且无法换回的,所以应当根据充分抚慰的原则对受害者进行补偿。
In economics, by focuses on externality theory and Coase theorem, yield full compensation to more efficient protection of environmental resources. 在经济学角度,通过重点介绍外部性理论和科斯定理,得出完全补偿才能更有效率的保护环境资源。
The principle of full compensation, which is confirmed by the legislation of most countries in the world, provides a unified starting point on determining the scope of compensation for damages. 完全赔偿原则为损害赔偿范围的确定提供了一个统一的起点,为世界多数国家立法所确认。
Methods of full compensation and optimum compensation are presented according to theory of active path compensation. An optimization model of path compensation is established. Machining errors with compensation and without compensation computed by using dynamic simulation model are compared. 根据路径补偿的原理提出了完全补偿和优化补偿两种路径补偿方法,并建立了路径补偿优化模型,分析和比较了补偿前后的加工误差。
The amount of compensation should be determined to follow certain principles. The most important is the principle of full compensation that is sufficient to meet the loss of copyright. 对赔偿数额的确定应遵循一定的原则,首要的是全面赔偿原则,即赔偿数额足以满足权利人损失。
Key to note is that clear security obligation standards shall apply to the principle of full compensation in order to balance the interests of both actor and damage. 重点要说明的是在安全保障义务的判断标准明确、适用主体明确的前提下,取消补充责任的规定,适用完全损害赔偿原则,平衡双方利益,填平损害。
Compensation principles include the principle of full compensation 、 the principle of fault offset 、 the principle of the profit and loss offset and the principle of weight interests. 其赔偿原则包括全部赔偿原则、过失相抵原则的、损益相抵原则和权衡利益原则。
The compensation principle of university students 'damage accidents should apply for the principle of full compensation. 高校学生伤害事故赔偿的原则应适用全部赔偿的原则。